STEM Realization with TI SensorLink
The TI-Nspire CX, used with TI-Innovator Hub and TI-Innovator ROVER, enables the development of interactive solutions to the world around us, allowing the learning and application of the bases of operation of many so-called "smart things" of today, such as intrusion alarms or robot vacuum cleaners. All of this cutting-edge technology can be accessible in any classroom, enabling the development of essential skills for today’s students and teachers. The TI-SensorLink, while not a dedicated data acquisition solution, serves the purpose of making the TI-Nspire CX + TI-Innovator Hub / TI-Innovator ROVER suite a robotic system even more interactive with the environment by including new measurable physical quantities. This workshop will present the basic principles of the operation of this technology, allowing the application in simple examples, but for wider application in the teaching / learning of this theme.