Die zweidimensionale Turtle- oder Igelgrafik ist ein häufig genutztes Werkzeug im Informatikunterricht. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die Erweiterung zur 3D-Igelgrafik sowie Anwendungen vo…
Publisher: T³ Deutschland - Materialien
Author: Veit Berger, Hans-Martin Hilbig
Topic: Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Hedgehog - a 3D graphics library in Python
This project takes the idea of turtlegraphics to the next level, providing a 3D-Graphics library to draw and animate 3-dimensional objects on a TI-Nspire CXII graphics screen.
Publisher: T³ Deutschland - Materialien
Author: Hans-Martin Hilbig, Veit Berger
Topic: Computer Science, Mathematics, STEM

Use an introduction to 3D graphs to reinforce understanding of 2D graphs. (Operating System 3.x)
Publisher: Texas Instruments UK
Editor: Barrie Galpin
Author: Nevil Hopley
Topic: Mathematics

Calculate and optimise the volume of a cone using a variety of measurements. (OS 3.x)
Publisher: Texas Instruments UK
Editor: Barrie Galpin
Author: Nevil Hopley
Topic: Mathematics

Calculating the volume of buildings in the form of prisms
Publisher: Texas Instruments UK
Author: David J C Elgin
Topic: Mathematics