Students take measurements, determine a pattern, make a prediction and then check it in a competition or activity.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics

Rover, Watch out for Rover - TI-84 Plus CE Python
Students take measurements, determine a pattern, make a prediction and then check it in a competition or activity.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics

Rover, Watch out for Rover - TI-Nspire CXII Python
Students take measurements, determine a pattern, make a prediction and then check it in a competition or activity.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics

Rover, Watch out for Rover! for the TI-84 Plus CE
Students take measurements, determine a pattern, make a prediction and then check it in a competition or activity.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics

Rover, Watch out for Rover! for the TI-Nspire CX
Students take measurements, determine a pattern, make a prediction and then check it in a competition or activity.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Inc.
Topic: Mathematics

An European TI-Nspire Science Pilot 2012
The TI-Nspire Lab Cradle - a solution to investigate work in science supporting students' understanding through the use of technology
Publisher: T³ Europe
Editor: Ian Galloway
Author: Abdel Yazi, Armando Severino, Cathy Baars, Fernanda Neri, Fiona Dickens, Frank Liebner, Jean-Louis Balas, Lee Fox, Olivier Douvere, Petra Ryrstedt, Sanja Herrström, T³ Europe

Les suites avec la TI-83 Premium CE 5.2
Les suites numériques dans la version 5.2 du système d’exploitation, etude d’un exemple (tableau des termes de la suite et représentation graphique).
Author: T³ France
Topic: Mathematics

What is the quickest route from Start to Finish across two types of ground where different speeds are possible?
Publisher: Texas Instruments UK
Author: David J C Elgin
Topic: Mathematics