After the mathematical analysis how to set up an RGB bargraph with difertent colors in this tutorial the actual program is explained and the outcome is documented by using a potentiometer a…
Publisher: Franklin Neyt
Topic: STEM

RGB Array electric car light model
In this tutorial the explanation of the car light simulation. The RGB array is used as a model of all the lights that are possible present on an electric car.
Publisher: Franklin Neyt
Topic: STEM

TI Innovator HUB : RGB Energy monitoring system
Use the TI Innovator HUB to measure an analog voltage, display the value of the ADC on screen and callibrate it back to voltage. Use a tension divider and use the RGB led to give a indicati…
Publisher: Franklin Neyt
Topic: STEM

TI Innovator HUB : Folow the sun (brightness sensors)
When you use two brightness sensors (external) you can easy track the sun. It's very easy in comparison with use of 1 brightness sensor.
Publisher: Franklin Neyt
Topic: STEM

Mind your distance - Adding wireless control to TI-Rover
Use a standard model airplane R/C transmitter & receiver for wireless remote control of TI-Rover's direction of movement via analog voltages fed into IN1/2 ports.
Author: Hans-Martin Hilbig
Topic: STEM

Video | Fysik med TI-Nspire - Kraft
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: TI Sweden
Topic: Physics

Kansrekenen & Statistiek
Publisher: WIL-de Wiskunde, T³ Nederland
Author: WIL-de Wiskunde
Topic: Mathematics

Exponentiële formules TI-Nspire CX
Functies & Grafieken
Publisher: WIL-de Wiskunde, T³ Nederland
Author: WIL-de Wiskunde
Topic: Mathematics

Koda med TI | Få Rover att röra sig | TI-Nspire teknik
Kapitel 4 - Övning 2 - Körfunktioner
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: TI Sweden
Topic: STEM

Video | Geometri med TI-Nspire
Utforska genom att rita punkter, linjer, trianglar och cirklar.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Topic: Mathematics

Video | Geometri med TI-Nspire
Egenskaper i en triangel
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Topic: Mathematics

Video | Geometri med TI-Nspire
Dynamisk utforskning av två trianglar.
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Topic: Mathematics

De proportionella egenskaperna hos en triangel
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Topic: Mathematics

Video | Geometri med TI-Nspire
Olika beräkningar av en triangel
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Topic: Mathematics

Utforska grafiska linjära funktioner
Publisher: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Author: Texas Instruments Sverige | Education Technology
Topic: Mathematics

Instructies die je toelaten je TI HUB sketch te updaten zodat je deze kan gebruiken in je TI Innovator Rover. Bevat de links naar de TI innovator HUB update software en de laatste versie va…
Publisher: Franklin Neyt
Author: Franklin Neyt
Topic: Other

TI-Innovator System - re-boxed!
Repackage the entire TI-Innovator System components into a single, sealable box for less than 10 Euros.
Author: Hans-Martin Hilbig

Car Travel Safety – your life is in your hands
Mathematical modeling and experimental analysis of car collisions and passenger's behaviour, travelling without seatbelts.
Author: Alexandre Gomes
Topic: STEM