Mathematics in Motion

Modelling things in motion – with some smart TI-Nspire mathematical tools

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Author: Linda Tetlow, Ian Galloway, Adrian Oldknow

Topic:  Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Modeling, Data, Calculus, Velocity

Computer Graphics

Different mathematical approaches used by computer programmers to create and manipulate images

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Author: Linda Tetlow, Ian Galloway, Adrian Oldknow

Topic:  Mathematics, Computer Science

Using Real World Data

Curriculum opportunities in both mathematics and science and also to cross-curricular dimensions: healthy lifestyles; global dimension and sustainable development; technology and the media;…

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Author: Linda Tetlow, Ian Galloway, Adrian Oldknow

Topic:  Mathematics, STEM

Capturing Data: Modelling and Interpretation

Reallife contexts, curriculum opportunities and cross-curricular dimensions

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Author: Linda Tetlow, Ian Galloway, Adrian Oldknow

Topic:  Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Data

First steps with TI-Nspire CX

Seven introductory tutorials to take new users through many key features of
TI-Nspire™ maths and science learning technology.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Topic:  Mathematics, STEM

Exploring our Solar System

Detailed data for the properties of the planets with 10 pages of questions.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Bikash Jain, Stephen Arnold

Topic:  STEM

Tags: Data, STEM, Physics, Sustainability


An introduction to the use of coordinates for younger students

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Coordinate systems

Premier League Goals

Compare frequencies of goals scored per team per match and resulting scorelines.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Topic:  Mathematics, STEM

Tags: Data, Frequency, Sport, Probability, Coding

GB Olympic Medals

UPDATED. How many Olympic medals will Team GB win in Rio 2016?

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Data, Sport

The Legacy

You have been left one million pounds! How to spend or invest it over 50 years?

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Allan Duncan

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Interest, Tables, Modeling

Midpoint Investigation

Investigate the relationship between the coordinates of the endpoints of a line segment and the coordinates of its midpoint.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Karen Birnie

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Points and lines, Coordinate systems

Linear, Quadratic and Cubic Function Explorer

Explore linear, quadratic and cubic functions, their graphs and their different algebraic representations.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Nevil Hopley

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Linear, Quadratic, Powers and roots, Coordinate systems, Discriminant

Dissecting squares

A square is dissected to form three triangles and a quadrilateral. What fraction of the square is each part?

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Fractions, Scattergraphs, Algebra, Geometry

Temperature Conversions

At what temperature does the number of degrees C equal the number of degrees F?

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Topic:  Mathematics, STEM, Physics

Tags: Positive/negative numbers, Temperature, Use of scales, Physics


An introduction to the angle properties of triangles and their construction.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Angles, Triangle

Connecting Algebra, Geometry and Graphs

Move from words to symbols, to geometric representations, to plotted points and finally to graphs.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Allan Duncan

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Linear, Quadratic, 2D shapes, Letters and symbols, Geometry, Algebra

The Warehouse Problem

Where to position a warehouse in order to minimise travelling distance to the three stores it serves?

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Ron Lancaster

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Modeling

Intersecting Tangents of a Parabola

Construct two tangents to a parabola and investigate the coordinates of their point of intersection.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Quadratic, Simultaneous equations, Reasoning, Coordinate Geometry, Tangent

How many solutions?

Use graphs and the nsolve(...) command to explore equations' solutions and discover properties of negative indices.

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Nevil Hopley

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Decimals, Exponential, Powers and roots, Calculator methods, Index, Mathematical thinking

Graphs in the next dimension

Use an introduction to 3D graphs to reinforce understanding of 2D graphs. (Operating System 3.x)

Publisher: Texas Instruments UK

Editor: Barrie Galpin

Author: Nevil Hopley

Topic:  Mathematics

Tags: Linear, Quadratic, Functions, 3D objects